Friday 8 April 2011

"Welcome to the CHURCH OF KHRISTOS"

"Wecome to the CHURCH OF KHRISTOS, Everyone, "Khristos" is the Greek Word for Christ."

INTRODUCTION TO THE "CHURCH OF KHRISTOS":"The "Church of Khristos" is a Online Christian Blog Post Website for all Christians to Grow by Learning, Studying, througth only the Gospel of Mark.This is the Place for all who want to Get to know Jesus More and want to Grow in Knowledge and understanding through the Teachings of Christ only located in the Holy Bible...

"In this Church, there are, two Bible Translations available for everyone to read from,A Bible Dictionary for studying, a Bible Commentary on the Gospel of Mark available for all Christian to grow in Christ. A Connect Group for Christians to connect with one another and discuss about ChristianSubjects. In this Online Church there is only one Gospel available, which is the Gospel of Mark. Also Available in the Online Church is Video Sermons"...

-->Thank you for Visiting "THE CHURCH OF KHRISTOS".
Stay as long as you wish:).God Bless you, Everyone.

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