Friday 1 April 2011

"What Does It Really Mean to Accept Jesus Christ"

_"What Does It Really Mean to Accept Jesus Christ":

"Everyone before they come to God, Everyone must Repent of their Sins, True Repentance is:
"Change your Mind about Sin{Wrongdoing} and turn your back on Sin, Resist{Fight Against} Sin and Totally Hate Sin and its consequences, like Christ himself."(2 Peter 3:9)-->
Next Step is to Put their Trust in Christ meaning "To sincerely Believe the Teachings of Christ only located in the Bible"...
"For anyone to truly Accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and LORD, is to "Declare To Follow and Be Obedient to the Teachings of Christ, Beliefs only Located in the Holy Bible...
"God is Narrow-Minded for one Way to Heaven, Because He send His Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross for Forgiveness of all sin, except one sin, God refuses to forgive for anyone who commits it, It is the Unpardonable Sin, located in Mark 3:28-29.
"No one is saved or Goes to Heaven by being a Good Person or, doing Good works, Good deeds, that does nothing to gain a place in Heaven, Everyone is saved by Grace, the unmerited Love of Christ by accepting Him as their Savior. Located in Ephesians 2:8-9.

I do not care who is reading this , except I will tell the Genuine Truth to you:

-->"Anyone who does Neglect the Bible or wants nothing to do with the Holy Bible and its Teachings has Sincerely Rejected Christ".

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